Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Top Ten Sex Fantasies For Women?

Hmmm...I typed in Top Ten Women into the computer and
saw a website I aint ever dreamed of seein'! Was this a mistake? Or
is this just how y'all do it now?
Whew Wee! Glad I aint blind NOW! Lordy...
My question is what do y'all talk about if everything is up on the computer to read?
Here is the top of the article:

Top Ten Female Sex Fantasies

"If you think women don’t sit around fantasizing about very naughty things, think again..."
( ok...I'm thinking...)

# 10 Domination (her dominating you) -Women love a big strong man who can sweep them off their feet and carry them into the sunset... (I'm big and strong)

#9 Domination (you dominating her) -The advent of the metrosexual is most commonly blamed for this top 10 female sex fantasy. It seems that...(continue reading Top Ten Female Fantasies article)

Whatever...back in my day, we KNEW they wuz always thinkin' 'bout it. And it was up to us to say somethin' real to 'em. Write some poetry. Or a letter. Talk to them before they start talkin that crazy talk...go on a long romantic walk with them on the river...if it's romantic and you are there, then assume the fantasie is about you!
Write a song about her.
That's my favorite way to find out about them female fantasy thingamajigs...

Like Bill did...

Bill Brown and his Brownies – “Hot Lips” mp3

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