Monday, December 29, 2008

West End Blues

Zack Whyte and his Chocolate Beau Brummels?
That is an interesting name for a band.

I bet you are wondering what that is all about...

-play Zack Whyte and his Chocolate Beau Brummels-

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Levee Blues- Bessie Jackson

Ah...remember this photo? Who can forget. I hope that this kind of image is something that we will be able to deal with in the future of American politics. All it does is remind me of Bush and FEMA. I don't mean to rock the Obama boat, or anything, but THIS is the kind of thing that gives people the blues. 
Here is Ms. Bessie Jackson to tell ya about it.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Hello world. How are all of you today?
My throat is hoarse and tired from yelling Obama all last week. I sure wish, sometimes, that I could see what being black is all about. As a blind man, it's a feeling. So I'm just gonna have to get used to a new feeling, I guess.
Speaking of gettin' used to a new feeling, it looks like Circuit City is gonna have to say good bye. After years of folks gettin' their music equipment at CC, looks like folks are just gonna have to go some where else now. I would say stay on line and listen to music, personally, but I'm not in the real world trying to fix up an economy by shopping. I always go to my damn self, but uh...ya'll do what you need to do out there, ok? And speakinig of music...let me leave you with a song right about now...this one goes out to Circuit City.

-play the damn song-


Friday, November 7, 2008

Obama has done it...

Obama has done it!! He has finally made some of my songs irrelevant.
Now I have to go through my list of songs and change them up, or simply refuse to play them any more. 
I'm not complainin'...I'm just sayin' that some of us have to start singin' different tunes now. I made a whole career on equal rights, oppression and the unfairness of it all. You know, the Blues.  Now I might have to change some of songs.
Black Snake Moan might have to be called, " Gay Folks Who Can't Get Equal Marriage Tax Cuts In California Moan " 
See That My Grave Is Kept Clean might have to be changed too...maybe I'll call it, " See That My Gay Friends Can Get Equal Marriage Tax Cuts "'s a whole different world now.
Don't worry California, this is all just part of the struggle in this country. You have to stay focused and believe in your self...and you will over come some day.
Now what was I doin? Oh yeah...I was trying to celebrate Obama.

Peace Y'all


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

NegrOBAMAcon : Follow the crowd

Get used to this face...


Thursday, October 2, 2008

God Don't Ever Change...Corey Harris

What is goin' on with y'all today? I don't even wanna go near the politics right now. I have got somethin' to TELL Y'ALL right about now!
Do you see this man here? I can't. But Can YOU? This man goes by the name of Corey Harris. Now look at him. Go ahead, now...and you better appreciate the eye sight that you have while you're at it. This man right don't he look like he sounds Jamaican or African or somethin'?! Like he's about to say, " Aye mon, why don we gwan to da beach and get away from dem bumba clot babylonians..." hit play and listen. And ask your self if this man aint, like, 67 years old. He is as young as he looks right here, but he sounds like he has been hangin' round MY friends. This man has a voice like you aint heard in a LONG time now. And picks that guitar like he was in a league of his own.
So go ahead and give a little listen.
I'll holler at you later on about somethin' else, I'm certain.


Take time to laugh like children...


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Alex Skolnik

Hey everybody, how ya doin?
I hope all is well out there in the real live world. I'm still in Netsville, browsin' around with my nose in every musicians business. I happen to know the music business quite well. I managed to make off with a hefty amount of money before my time was done. Which was rare to do back in my day, especially if you was colored.
 But I aint here to discuss that with y'all right now. I'm talkin' about a guitar player I found at It's a great sight for browsin'. It's easy, too. And that's a plus if you are old or young. Anyway, I found this young gentleman by the name of Alex Skolnik. His name stood out more than anybody that I saw on the page, so I decided to hit play. Mp34U has a play button that even a blind man can see. And when I heard his song. "Western Sabbath Stomp" I couldn't help but nod my head and, literally stomp to the beat. Now, ANY song that gets you to do that is a good song. But when they tell you ahead of time AND give you what you makes you wanna hear it again and again. It appears that this Alex Skolnik has quite a history, too. I aint got time to google his name and go wiki-fishin', but if you do, then by all means...go ahead. I will give you a direct link to this song, though.
Have a nice time while you aint sleepin, is what I say.


Monday, September 22, 2008

If I was a news cast anchor man...

Hey y' ya doin out there in the real world? 
Is it safe out there? I can't see shit, so ya have to say somethin' to me.
 All I know is that every time I hear something good about the world, three or four bad things happen right after! Like when I had heard about Obama running for president. Then right after somebody told me that Bernie Mac, Isaac Hayes and George Carlin died. I was, like, THANKS ALOT...why did you even bother to tell me about the good news in the first place?!  Damn...tell me the good news last! 
If I was a news cast anchor man I would try to be a little more thoughtful about what I say to complete strangers.
Like this : Good Evening to all...I am anchor man Blind Lemon Jefferson with our top story. 
A 22 year old man was shot and killed in Oakland, California. Victim was pronounced dead at Highland Hospital. May his soul rest in peace. Please think about this as something to prevent in our near and distant future...we are not just trying to make some ratings for advertisement...

And now sports...The Oakland A's beat the Mariners 5-3...more film at 11...Go A's! The last hope for Oakland residents, I am sure...

And here is our financial report...'s been misplaced...I think I left it with my meril lynch account book...we'll be right back with more news and wishful thinking...
Is the economy bringing you down? Here is a link to our sponsor with some good financial advice...

Have a good time here on Earth...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

B.B. King's belated Birthday

September 16th was B.B. Kings birthday!
Just wanna say HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY B.B. King!!

Alrighty then...
C y' all soon...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A good man WAS hard to find...

Hey Y'all, how you doin today?

I heard that Oprah Winfrey is not having any political discussions, talks or debates on her show
until AFTER the election. I thought, now that is the smartest thing I've heard her say...ever!
Folks is startin' to raise a fuss about Oprah's refusal to interview Palin-face. What is the fuss? If I had a talk show that had a majority woman audience, the last damn thing I would do is bring dog lips onto it! Precisely and specifically for the simple reason that I am voting for Obama. But Oprah is a woman, herself and is way smarter than I, or any man could be and has made the right decision in a world gone mad. No candidates on her show until the election is over and DONE.
I hear women tell me that a good man is hard to find. That might be true. That is, until Obama stepped into the room. 
Here is a song by the great Bessie Smith saying the same thing. I bet if Bessie was alive today she wouldn't be singin' so well...Obama is tipping the scales on that particular opinion!

Y'all have a gooood old day, now...


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Help me Palin-Face please...gObama!

Hey everybody...I'm here to say a few things about some OBVIOUS choices y'all need to make this fall.
If ya don't then you all can kiss your selves in the back side and say good bye. All you have to do is listen to Obama try to help you people out. HE is trying to HELP Y'ALL!

It's pretty simple. In fact I found somebody who even has a little diddy written already called "help me out"

-play song-

And after you listen to Del Tha Funky Homosapien ...go
ahead and try them links out about Miss Palin-face.
You might understand what we are trying to say. I would add that if you have the time, go out and buy an old pocket watch. Dangle it in front of some body who's votin' for Moose-Butt-Palin-Face. Let the watch swing back and forth for a good five minutes until they are in a trance, or somethin'...then say with a confident whisper, " Palin is gonna doom us all, vote for Obama and save some children's lives." Do you understand what I am sayin here, my good people?! It's your world...I'm just bloggin' in it...

The truth about Sarah Palin?

More facts about Sarah Palin?


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Old Time Country Music

Hello everybody and how y'all doin' today?
I hope you all are doing just fine.
I would like to take some time to say a few more things about Palin, but I think I will wait.
Because I see somebody new on the scene. His name?
Wesley Rose. He pioneer'd country music. And country music got popular first in America. Probably because every other style was still enslaved. Even so, the history behind it is a little older than the blues. Personally, I think country music is fine. As long as it does what all music is supposed to do. And that, to me, is called 'making people happy. '
Unlike Palin-face. She is out to make folks sad and angry and upset.
However, the country music might as well be for everybody...if you can get into the sound, that is.
Now I don't have that much to say about it, but Mr. Weseley Rose does.
He'll tell you all about it. And I suggest getting into some country music for a minute before McCan't and Palin-face try to ruin its backround with some sour ass politics.
Here is a link to Mr. Wesley Rose, the man behind American Country Music and the business that makes it work.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

What you mean "we" Palin face?

Hey y' some things to get off my chest. 
In response to that...whatever she calls herself runnin' for vice president...

SO...Ms. Sarah Palin?

You're sayin' that you're a bitch? Is that what you tryin' to say? No use beatin' round the Bush about it now. Does that imply that doggy style is the way of the republican? Is that what all them men were tryin' to say, too? Seems that doggy style works for both genders in the republican world. But that aint all, really. Because anybody that calls themselves a dog with lipstick AND a hockey mom's what some of us would refer to as a cold hearted bitch with big crooked stick! I aint even started yet, see...this is all hear say. don't forget that I'm blind. My seeing eye dog Dioji finds all my pics in which I promptly post. Because I trust him. It's his suggestion that I posted the picture that's up in your face today. Dioji sayed that he googled Sarah Palin and got that image. Wish I could see it. But anyway... do you know that she got on international television and  referred to her own self as a pitbull with lipstick. I didn't notice lipstick on the lips that were talkin...what kind of sick and twisted bitch is this? I thought this was America?
 I heard her talkin' more smack about Obama's 'change' ethics. Now Obama can't say what I can say because he cares about y'all. Me? I aint even alive or real, so I can just let it rip, ya know what I'm sayin? My opinion is of the pixel persuasion and it can be altered and generated in any format you can come up with. Which means I can just respond. And my response to what Palin-face is saying, essentially, is that America needs to stay the same way it's been trying to be for the last 232 years. Which means a rigid, caucasian majority ruled society, built on fear and control. A country that included slavery and the genocide of it's indigenous people as part of our national unity. Palin-face a.ka. cold-hearted-bitch-with-a big-crooked-stick seems to be  making these implications by having the same attitude that accepted genocide and slavery. 
 She probably hates Mexican people, too, that cold hearted snake. I mean dog. She paints her self as an evangelical christian of pure ethics and chooses abstinence and scripture as a means to educate her pregnant, 17 year old, unwed daughter. I don't think America is the same America that it was. Maybe in the 50's she'd a been radical. Or a radish. Or a turnip. But I think she'd last 4 weeks before God himself stepped in and removed her from office. If' the good folks don't prevent her from gettin' there in the first place. 
 Now don't let her distract you like some wand wielding Slithereen shoplifting at Diagon Alley. (Yeah I read Harry Potter, bitch!) The real news is that Obama is gonna be the next prez.

Anyway, I should get back to the muzic. Muzic is a better response in utter hind sight of these recent events...
Here is a song that I want you to hear right about now...dedicated to her ethics and style

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Freddie King!

Freddie Christian King. b. Sept 3rd 1934
Do you know who he is?
I do.
He wrote that Blues standard that EVERYBODY and their mama knows called " Hideaway "
I know you heard it, but just can't recall it in your mind like some of us can. It aint got no words. But the melody is timeless and unforgettable. Stevie Ray Vaughan's played it. Eric Clapton's done it. If I was alive I'd probably be playin' it right now!

Freddie "The Texas Cannonball" King has earned himself a place in the world of Blues among the best with these tasty blues riffs. If you got any time at all in this rat race world, I suggest you take a moment and listen to this man play.

Especially if you are a guitarist, like myself.
So Happy birthday Freddie!

Hmmm...I think I know where he hangs out, too. I heard he's on the South side of Netsville still playin the blues somethin' fierce! I think I'll take a web cab and go try and sit in on a jam session with the brothah...

Y'all take it easy now, ya hear?

Here is the Birthday boy playin' Hideaway :

And here is Stevie Ray's version
-link to SRV's Hideaway-


Sunday, August 31, 2008

Oooh Whee Louis!

Whoo wee...did you read Louis' blog?!

I forgot that he was even around. I forgot that Louis is from New Orleans. I forgot what an eloquent man he is.
Damn, really said some thangs about some thangs, brothah...

-(fake) Louis' Blog-

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rest in peace SRV

August 27th 1990 is the date that the world lost one of the best blues guitar players ever.
Now I am from a generation of folks who created the blues, right?
So if it's like's like that...

Rest in peace Stevie Ray Vaughan

Friday, August 22, 2008

Damn, how do I get rid of all this spam?!

Sometimes you gotta ask questions, right? 'Specially if you blind. It's how I get by when I need to know somethin'.
And, ya see, that's why I really depend on this Googly Web thingamajig...
Ya see, this mornin' I was fiddlin' around Netsville... surfin' around as y'all put it. And all of a sudden I find myself duckin', bobbin' and weavin' all of this, whaddaya call it...spam? What a dumb ass name, huh? Anyway, you know this spam, right? The way it comes flyin' in from the left, swingin' in like an uppercut from below. Body blow, body blow ,body blow...It's really quite a nuisance, if ya ask me.
But then I thought, this is how Joe Louis probably felt durin' most of his life. Which made me think...hmmm...maybe I should write a song about it, ya know? Why not. Relate my frustration to the world in an acceptable fashion.
As opposed to just clobberin' the hell outta some geeky hackin keyboard punchin' mother f,f,f...forget it, I thinks to myself.
I'm blind.

Besides somebody beat me to it. A man by the name of Carl Martin.
I think he 's a Virginia boy, too. Mandolin, fiddle and guitar playin brotha'...
If you wanna hear the song that I thought, surley, I was gonna write, done by the man who actually wrote the damn thing...
here ya go

And here is more info on Carl Martin...have a nice day.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Public Domain for me...

Lookee here now...I might be a blind man, but what I have to show you today
you HAVE to see...

You ready?

Check this out...

Talk to you later...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Bring back Motown please...

I'm sure the ladies love this man. With a name like Raphael Saadiq

Even a blind man knows that a woman will perk her ears at the sound of a certain name. Now, if you add in the fact that he is talented and (probably) good lookin'...well...
I'm sure he has got a few numbers in his mobile rolodex.

  I hear he has a new cd coming out that is a testament to the great Motown recordings. I even hear that he plays the bass and drums on this cd. On songs that he wrote him self. To me, that's talent. And that is what should be selling, right? Well, tell me something then, what the hell is going on with the r & b now? I try to listen to it and all I hear is a damn computer playing bits and pieces of shit that was written years ago!
Damn it, as far as I can tell, aint a song been written in about twenty years that we haven't heard thirty times already!! So come on Raphael, bring it on, man! You aint got no kinda competition out there anyway! Make these ears proud to be an American. You do know that being a blues guitar player in the states qualifies you with a world wide reputation as a being decent American, don't you? And we need more of these people, damn it. Specially the brothas...alright lemme get off this googly web before I regain my eyesight and see some stuff I don't wanna see...


Monday, August 11, 2008

Blow it out your...

Hey everybody, how y'all today?

Well...all I can say is THANK GOD I'M BLIND!

If I was a Chef I'd be baking cement air biscuits to throw at the heads of these people. See what this guy is holding? That's EXACTLY what's goin' on in his head!  NOT A DAMN THING! 

But these weird thespians are serious as a heart attack about it. You probably didn't know I knew what a thespian was, huh? It's all on the googly web. I just didn't know that men could be thespians, too. 

 Either way, SOMEBODY'S payin' for it all... if it's a contest that's flyin' the winner to Finland.

You know how much it costs to fly somebody ALL THE WAY to Finland?!! I mean damn...wouldn't that be nice to be flown there for actually having a musical skill?!
I heard about them girls in Finland, too. They say that if you play a guitar and you are from America, the women will fight in the street over you. Now wouldn't that be somethin'? You could just sit there and play your guitar while the women do all the foot work for ya. But keep in mind the prettiest ones aint necessarily the best fighters. 
 Regardless of the outcome, I'm convinced that the "air' guitar contest originated in the crack of some bored, rich man's ass, if you know what I'm sayin'. 
And that if they wanted something that's actually funky, without the smell, listen to Bootsy or Parliament. THEN pick up a guitar....dumb asses....

This contest stinks to high heaven. People have lost their minds all over again.

A' ite then...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Air guitar contest? Whatever...

What the hell is goin' on with THESE crazy ass people?

One minute I 'm lookin' at somethin' that makes sense and the next minute things is completely senseless!
And I'm a blind man...but I'm a guitar player.
 As a guitar player I understand a few things about musicianship. In order to get REALLY good at somethin' like playin' an instrument, you have to practice. ALOT. Some players end up puttin' everything else on the back burner to become that good. By the takes a special kind of person to be involved romantically with a muscian. So, what I'm sayin' is that this air guitar contest is a peculiar bite into the pride that goes into being a skilled player.
It aint wrong, it's just a twisted little joke, I understand. 

My reason? 
Lookee here...I heard someone say that 
a real live instrument is an instrument that cannot make a sound if it's sittin' by itself. Y' know?

 If you put a guitar shouldn't be makin' any music. Until somebody picks the thing up and strums it. And with todays technology anybody can figure out how to create artistic 'sounding'  music without even having a developed skill in the first place. Without this....the damn air guitar contest would be a joke we could all laugh at. But now it is a little peculiar, I would say. It's like them newspaper reporters gettin' all anxious about the bloggers stealing their stories and gettin' credit for it. How would they feel if somebody had a fake newspaper report contest in spite of it all? 

 So...go ahead with your air guitar contest. It don't mean a damn thing to a blind man anyhow...

Reminder to all with is for your ears...


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Muzic Hunter

Hey y'all, how you feelin' out there in the real world?

Here in Netsville it's easy to always find somethin' interestin' to read.
Even if you 're blind.
I just read somethin' on Son Houses blog about He was talkin' up one of the sources that he likes so much. I checked him out, too. As far as the 'new' muzic that is happenin' now, I would have to agree that Subverse is finding some good tunes. But then, this 'new' muzic is also being sung and played by the 'new' artists. And some of y'all are crazy. So if we are gettin' ready to vote for sources...I think I would have to say that Muzic Hunter is one of my favorites. I wouldn't say that he is my most favorite just yet, but I like muzic Hunter's ecclectic style. Muzic choice should be a blend of what is available. Not just one or two styles, ya know?
Here is a quote from Muzic Hunter :
"Music is my medicine. New music is my drug. And is my supplier. I can lose myself for the moment with my headphones on. I listen to anyone brave and talented enough to express their feelings thru the universal language of music..."

I can relate to that.
Muzic Hunter has some crazy stuff to listen to. Here is some band called, now excuse me for a moment, but this band is called 'Electric Vagina' with a tune called the '80s song'

That's what I'm talking about.
Crazy stuff, man. Can't get enough of it..heh heh heh...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Stevens indicted for stealing gov't cheese

Teddy Stevens is in big trouble, I hear. He got caught for renovating his home with oil money that wasn't his. Is it me or is this just a typical republican man doing his thing? And what are his friends telling him now? 

 Either way he is facing federal charges. After 40 years of "redirecting" funds into his estate, old Teddy might have to spend some time away from the home he has been upgrading.

I hope they give him a good internet connection wherever he's headed...

I wonder if he sings.
He might wanna listen to this one

Monday, July 21, 2008

Oye Chica

Hello people. How ya doin? 
Fine, I hope...
I'm doin' well, know...this crazy world of politics, poverty and pollution.

That's why...

It's nice, every once in awhile, to hear somebody, or some band talk about something positive.

I'm talkin' about this band from L.A. called Upground.

They got a tune called 'Oye Chica' I'd like you to hear...

That's all today...
Catch you later on the flipside...


Monday, June 30, 2008

It's like robbing the blind...

Oh that I can read all this stuff in Netsville, I'm not sure I want to.
I just read this article in the sf.gate news thing...well ya can't call it a paper, right? It was about the Blind Boys of Alabama. They were basically saying that the record industry is so bad, that they would even rob a blind man. And not only would they rob a blind man, they would put it in the paper and argue about it. To me it's no different than a bunch of children arguing over bubble gum. Huh, Dioji?(bark bark)
...yeah, I would know. I made a few nickels playin' music...but I still know alot of musicians got sold out like some bad spinach and ended up on the shelf in a can. I never SAW this personally, but that's because I was blind when I was alive. You see them comments on that article? Look again.-comments-

The RIAA is like an old bunch of heathens. You should hear what THEY have to say about the new way of music. They are gettin' too old to run the plantation like they used to and are now having to share their money with the new people. The new people just want the audience to hear the music. And you know... when people listen to music, they like to know that the artist is not a slave wager earner.
That's why there is so much free music now.
The time is perfect if ya ask me. People love music because it let's them relax in some way.

There is one website I like. They have a few songs of mine. But they also have a bunch of songs from some of the old timers who were shelved by the RIAA. This website is called
And the reason I like Mp3's? Because you don't have to SEE them. They're for listening. And even them blind boys from Alabama know about that. Now if you want to talk about money...maybe Louis Armstrong might be the one to talk to...

check out listen to the music...

it's free...


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Too broke for Cody's

Hey y'all...did ya hear the news about Cody's books? I did.

I mean, a blind man aint got nothin' to do with books, really...

...but, it's a shame when somebody is so broke...

...that a WHOLE book store gotta be shut down!

I wrote a song about being broke. I wonder if that's how they feel at Cody's...

It would be nice if some bazzilionaire gave them the money.


Monday, June 16, 2008

Rose from the dead

HA! Look what I found in Netsville on this youtube channel.
I don't know what's on it but I sure did listen...
I wonder sometimes how long it's gonna be until I am able to see what's goin on around here.

I been blind my whole life. Dioji helps me out with the typin' and the images and the graphic stuff. He also spell checks and edits my entree...he says it's supposed to be entry. See? He is my dog. I wonder what picture he put up for me today. He says it has somethin to do with the song I found on the youtube...

Anyway...see ya round soon...


Monday, June 2, 2008

My D.O.G.

Hey y'all...this here is my best friend in the virtual world. His name is Dioji. A simple name when ya think about least for a D.O.G. He is a guide dog for the blind. My dog.
He helps me out a lot when I lose my way. He tells me when I'm about to trip on a gigabyte, or if my pixels is too crowded, or if my typing needs to be corrected...
Ya see...bein' blind has it's ups and downs. For one...we gotta take our time walkin' around. So that we don't trip on stuff, or smack our heads on somethin'. But the good side is that we hear everything in slow motion. Think about for a minute.
How do you think Stevie Wonder memorizes all them words? He don't write it down do he? He memorizes it in slow motion. Without sight you get more brain space for...whatcha call's right files. Which becomes the basis of our ...what's its....uh
oh yeah...cognition. Thanks Dioji. Me and Dioji are learnin' quite a bit on line. Better'n any teacher tried learnin' me. Google and internet services have been kind to me with information. My guitar is my main tool for expressing my emotions. Women can be the devil.

For everything else...there's Dioji.


Good news 'round here?

Hmm...maybe it's good I am blind. Somethings ya just don't need to see, I guess.
I heard they found a bunch of children in Texas who were bein' mistreated somethin' terrible.
What kind of folks is these? Do that to some chirrun like that?! Make me wanna string up somethin' b'sides my guitar, if ya know what I mean. Aint that somethin'?! Back in my day, things like this would happen...but you would never here about it...until it was waaaaaaay later. Now that I'm stuck up here in this internet, I hear things all the time. Every minute on the second, aint got NO time to take a breath and sigh even for a sec...wish they'd put some good news up for just a minute. Ya gotta be fast to catch the good news! The 'good news fish' is some hard fishin', I tell ya...
Wait...somethin's bitin' right now!
Lemme...pull...this in...


SAN ANGELO, Texas - More than 400 children taken from a polygamist sect's ranch two months ago began returning to the arms of their tearful parents Monday, hours after a judge bowed to a state Supreme Court ruling that the seizure was not justified.

I guess that's better 'n bad news.
Here's the rest of the story...
but listen to this first...put you in a decent mood maybe...
a story about women in the south...
-play me-


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Back from my rest

Hello everybody. My name is Lemon. Most of you might know me as Blind Lemon Jefferson. ya little mousey on this: -play me-
It's a song of mine, which I sure do appreciate now that I'm back...
go ahead...I'll wait til you get back...

Alrighty...go ahead and turn it up, too. Not too loud, though...I can HEAR just fine...

I haven't heard my music in awhile...

Did I out live them last set o' strings I was playin? I think so. And where's my money? I know Mayo Williams didn't end up with all my money, now did he? I made a lot of money in my time. Especially for back in THEM days. Didn't have to spend too much time writin' songs, either.
Ooh wee...ya see, we LIVED those songs back in THEM days, boy. Songs would just jump on your back and ride down the street with ya. Have to stop on the corner and getcha rest. Let a few tunes go to lighten the load, and maybe take in a little coin here and there. That is until Mayo got me hitched up with Paramount. Then I was turnin' the green backs OVER, baby!

Well, anyhow, I heard from a little bird that some old timers decided to come back for some serious gossipin' round here...somethin' I might just have to see for myself, so to speak. I had a little list that was given to me...
ok...let's see...
Well I hope this is it. Of course I can' t see it cuz I'm blind, but I did think ahead and memorize it...
Oh yeah...
I heard it was Robert Johnson, Ma Rainey, Joe And Minnie, and that composer Duke Ellington, the king of swing. Yeah he aint bad for one of those city boys. I heard he is particularly set in his ways, if you know what I mean. ALWAYS workin' on compositions that Duke. Anyway...I ought to get up and clean off my git fiddle...haven't touched old wood in some time. Maybe I should cut another record. Gotta figure out who's runnin' the record biz now a days.
See ya round here soon...