Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Levee Blues- Bessie Jackson

Ah...remember this photo? Who can forget. I hope that this kind of image is something that we will be able to deal with in the future of American politics. All it does is remind me of Bush and FEMA. I don't mean to rock the Obama boat, or anything, but THIS is the kind of thing that gives people the blues. 
Here is Ms. Bessie Jackson to tell ya about it.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Hello world. How are all of you today?
My throat is hoarse and tired from yelling Obama all last week. I sure wish, sometimes, that I could see what being black is all about. As a blind man, it's a feeling. So I'm just gonna have to get used to a new feeling, I guess.
Speaking of gettin' used to a new feeling, it looks like Circuit City is gonna have to say good bye. After years of folks gettin' their music equipment at CC, looks like folks are just gonna have to go some where else now. I would say stay on line and listen to music, personally, but I'm not in the real world trying to fix up an economy by shopping. I always go to Muzic.com my damn self, but uh...ya'll do what you need to do out there, ok? And speakinig of music...let me leave you with a song right about now...this one goes out to Circuit City.

-play the damn song-


Friday, November 7, 2008

Obama has done it...

Obama has done it!! He has finally made some of my songs irrelevant.
Now I have to go through my list of songs and change them up, or simply refuse to play them any more. 
I'm not complainin'...I'm just sayin' that some of us have to start singin' different tunes now. I made a whole career on equal rights, oppression and the unfairness of it all. You know, the Blues.  Now I might have to change some of songs.
Black Snake Moan might have to be called, " Gay Folks Who Can't Get Equal Marriage Tax Cuts In California Moan " 
See That My Grave Is Kept Clean might have to be changed too...maybe I'll call it, " See That My Gay Friends Can Get Equal Marriage Tax Cuts " 
Yes...it's a whole different world now.
Don't worry California, this is all just part of the struggle in this country. You have to stay focused and believe in your self...and you will over come some day.
Now what was I doin? Oh yeah...I was trying to celebrate Obama.

Peace Y'all