Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Levee Blues- Bessie Jackson

Ah...remember this photo? Who can forget. I hope that this kind of image is something that we will be able to deal with in the future of American politics. All it does is remind me of Bush and FEMA. I don't mean to rock the Obama boat, or anything, but THIS is the kind of thing that gives people the blues. 
Here is Ms. Bessie Jackson to tell ya about it.



El Toro Negro said...

First, you need to rely on yourself, then your family, next your extended family. After that you call on your friends, church and local gov't. Next comes the State, and then the Fed. Look at the contrast between New Orleans and Ike. The people of New Orleans were by and large parasites, welfare leaches, and therefore never planned ahead. If you count of the Government to save you, you are planning to fail from the start. The people of Houston survived the storm well and then went right to work repairing themselves. They didn't wait around for the Gov't to do it. There are still people waiting in New Orleans.

Don't place the blame in the wrong place. I have lots of family in the New Orleans area and am not a Bush supporter (or obama).

(fake) Son House said...

El Toro Negro has a point. I mean saving people is an endless job right? Make your bed you sleep in it. I get that. I just wish it was that simple from the start. Nobody knows where to start drawing the big picture fairly. I understand El Toro Negros perspective because it makes it easy to comprehend. Helping everybody at once is too large a responsibility for any man. So I agree with El Toro Negro...rely on your self, then family etc...that was well written, I must say.