Friday, August 8, 2008

Air guitar contest? Whatever...

What the hell is goin' on with THESE crazy ass people?

One minute I 'm lookin' at somethin' that makes sense and the next minute things is completely senseless!
And I'm a blind man...but I'm a guitar player.
 As a guitar player I understand a few things about musicianship. In order to get REALLY good at somethin' like playin' an instrument, you have to practice. ALOT. Some players end up puttin' everything else on the back burner to become that good. By the takes a special kind of person to be involved romantically with a muscian. So, what I'm sayin' is that this air guitar contest is a peculiar bite into the pride that goes into being a skilled player.
It aint wrong, it's just a twisted little joke, I understand. 

My reason? 
Lookee here...I heard someone say that 
a real live instrument is an instrument that cannot make a sound if it's sittin' by itself. Y' know?

 If you put a guitar shouldn't be makin' any music. Until somebody picks the thing up and strums it. And with todays technology anybody can figure out how to create artistic 'sounding'  music without even having a developed skill in the first place. Without this....the damn air guitar contest would be a joke we could all laugh at. But now it is a little peculiar, I would say. It's like them newspaper reporters gettin' all anxious about the bloggers stealing their stories and gettin' credit for it. How would they feel if somebody had a fake newspaper report contest in spite of it all? 

 So...go ahead with your air guitar contest. It don't mean a damn thing to a blind man anyhow...

Reminder to all with is for your ears...


1 comment:

Duke Ellington said...

You got that right BLJ ~ music is for your ears. Yeah this is some crazy stuff! People pretending to be musicians with other people's music....good thing you're blind man. I don't think you're missing much...