Thursday, September 4, 2008

What you mean "we" Palin face?

Hey y' some things to get off my chest. 
In response to that...whatever she calls herself runnin' for vice president...

SO...Ms. Sarah Palin?

You're sayin' that you're a bitch? Is that what you tryin' to say? No use beatin' round the Bush about it now. Does that imply that doggy style is the way of the republican? Is that what all them men were tryin' to say, too? Seems that doggy style works for both genders in the republican world. But that aint all, really. Because anybody that calls themselves a dog with lipstick AND a hockey mom's what some of us would refer to as a cold hearted bitch with big crooked stick! I aint even started yet, see...this is all hear say. don't forget that I'm blind. My seeing eye dog Dioji finds all my pics in which I promptly post. Because I trust him. It's his suggestion that I posted the picture that's up in your face today. Dioji sayed that he googled Sarah Palin and got that image. Wish I could see it. But anyway... do you know that she got on international television and  referred to her own self as a pitbull with lipstick. I didn't notice lipstick on the lips that were talkin...what kind of sick and twisted bitch is this? I thought this was America?
 I heard her talkin' more smack about Obama's 'change' ethics. Now Obama can't say what I can say because he cares about y'all. Me? I aint even alive or real, so I can just let it rip, ya know what I'm sayin? My opinion is of the pixel persuasion and it can be altered and generated in any format you can come up with. Which means I can just respond. And my response to what Palin-face is saying, essentially, is that America needs to stay the same way it's been trying to be for the last 232 years. Which means a rigid, caucasian majority ruled society, built on fear and control. A country that included slavery and the genocide of it's indigenous people as part of our national unity. Palin-face a.ka. cold-hearted-bitch-with-a big-crooked-stick seems to be  making these implications by having the same attitude that accepted genocide and slavery. 
 She probably hates Mexican people, too, that cold hearted snake. I mean dog. She paints her self as an evangelical christian of pure ethics and chooses abstinence and scripture as a means to educate her pregnant, 17 year old, unwed daughter. I don't think America is the same America that it was. Maybe in the 50's she'd a been radical. Or a radish. Or a turnip. But I think she'd last 4 weeks before God himself stepped in and removed her from office. If' the good folks don't prevent her from gettin' there in the first place. 
 Now don't let her distract you like some wand wielding Slithereen shoplifting at Diagon Alley. (Yeah I read Harry Potter, bitch!) The real news is that Obama is gonna be the next prez.

Anyway, I should get back to the muzic. Muzic is a better response in utter hind sight of these recent events...
Here is a song that I want you to hear right about now...dedicated to her ethics and style

1 comment:

Saucy Broad said...
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